Wednesday, December 24, 2014

7 winter cocktails in the run up to the New Year!

Happy New Year! I say this much in advance, having wondered even earlier as to how I could possibly add value to your New Year celebrations through a year-end special blog post. Bingo- came the idea when I went visiting hotel Radisson Blu PlazaNew Delhi and met their Beverage Manager Eldo Jacob- a  young  professional  full of  verve and pizazz.  Eldo  has this parfait amour (pun intended) for libations that I registered, sensing his unrelenting streak for innovation.  It thus occured to me that if I could get behind the bar with him, many hidden pearls were likely to be uncovered- all to the benefit of beverages passionates like you.

Sure enough, Eldo and me had a rendezvous fixed-up and the upshot  expectedly turned out as a  warm bouquet of drinks just apt for these winter months.  At the rate of a drink each day starting X-Mas, these seven drinks are sure to culminate the year gone-by  in style and leave you literally in high spirits to welcome the nouvelle année. Enjoy!

Eldo Jacob, the innovative Beverage Manager at Radisson Blu Plaza, New Delhi

P.S. In a marked departure from my earlier blog posts, this one is almost entirely in images with the sole aim to facilitate downloading of recipes with a right click.  Sharing them on  social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Telegram......... too, will be a cinch, So feel free to share the good times with your near and dear ones.

Cocktail # 7:  The perfect  X-Mas Drink

Cocktail # 6: Boxing day bonhomie

Cocktail # 5 Spicing it up for the New Year eve ahead

Cocktail # 4: Cocking a snook at the freezing temperature

Cocktail # 3 : Mulling over the New Year celebration options

Cocktail # 2 : Gourmet indulgence on  penultimate day of the year 

Cocktail # 1: A toast to the new born year!

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